The team designed, developed and installed 48 hospital rooms, 21 sea containers per site in an impressive 4 weeks per building

Southwest Georgia had one of the highest per-capita rates of COVID-19 in the United States. In order to accommodate the surge created by the highly contagious virus, The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security, under the guidance of The Governor in partnership with private sector organizations developed two modular container facilities with BMarko Structures.
The team designed, developed and installed 48 hospital rooms, 21 sea containers per site in an impressive 4 weeks per building
This is an information gathering and processing phase. Before we start to design, we collect all the information about the project to use in developing the design. We will work together to identify project goals, program, site constraints, opportunities and develop the project roadmap. This includes information about the site, any existing structure(s), codes, deed restrictions, site utilities, access, budget, schedule, and spatial program.
This is where the rough shape of the building and the ideas are formed. We begin by drafting a narrative for the project, called a ‘parti’, which we’ll reference throughout the project. This seed idea is used to help us make decisions as the project becomes more detailed and better defined. It’s a rulebook of sorts. Conceptual estimates and duration timelines are also developed, along with fabricator and contractor sources.
This phase fixes all of the information about the house into a detailed set of drawings and specifications that will be used by the Contractor and/or Fabricator for pricing and construction. Think of it as an instruction manual. Before beginning, we’ll discuss whether you’d like to pursue a bid price contract or a negotiated contract; field or factory fabrication and we’ll craft the drawings and level of detail in those drawings based on those decisions.
After the contract is awarded and construction begins, we act as your agent on-site, monitor progress, review applications for payment, and ensure conformance with the contract documents. We don’t tell the contractor how to do his work; We just make sure he’s doing the things he’s contractually promised to do. Upon substantial completion of construction, we will review the work with you and verify any work to be completed or corrected by the contractor before final payment.
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